The new guest that entered was the only one present in the cafe - they'd just passed what Akira had hoped would be his last of the day, or at least, last for a while. He turned away from his task in the kitchen, reaching up to brush away some stray powder from his cheek.
Lighter roast, floral notes... they had more than one that could match that kind of description.
This one seemed to know her coffee. It got him excited, almost too excited to gesture for her to wait one moment while he saw to picking out his (preferred) choice of beans matching the described flavor and went about preparing it. There was a pep in his step as he did so, body language betraying the upswing in his mood at the thought of someone who knew more than 'whatever goes well with the curry'.
Excited though he was, the Thief took his time with his preparation, making extra sure that the coffee would turn out well.
Once prepared, it was served promptly, cup offered by his recently scarred hand.
An expectant look settled over Akira's features as he stepped back, hands sliding into his pockets. He hadn't struck up any kind of conversation during any of this, hadn't even hummed, and now he was only seeking feedback. Maybe his excitement had gotten the better of him and he'd simply forgotten to speak. Or, for all this one knew, he was selectively mute. Either one suited him, really.